War of the Western Deep is a hand-animated, open-world adventure game where players explore gorgeous environments, solve mysteries, and combat deadly foes.

Inspired by moody animated classics like The Secret of NIMH and rip-roaring all-ages literary adventures like Redwall, War of the Western Deep is an evocative tale for players young and old alike.

With gameplay featuring a mix of non-linear exploration, fully-voiced dialogue trees, and real-time combat, War of the Western Deep artfully combines the fantasy of a fully interactive animated film with the sensibilities of modern adventure game design.

War of the Western Deep is positioned to be the first fully playable, classically animated, and feature film-quality adventure game ever made.

With characters rendered at the “Classical Animation” standard of 24 frames-per-second while competitive titles use 12 or even 4 frames-per-second, War of the Western Deep looks unlike any other open-world adventure game on the market.